Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Seeing New Social Opportunities

In my own crazy little adventure in social media I’m exposed to a lot of thoughts and opinions and it takes me time to weed through them and figure out which have something to say and which are just saying something. That’s why I’m consistently responding to things later than everyone else.

Case in point. Read this April 1 blog post from Umair Haque on social media and social strategies. I think Haque has something to say, and not just for venture capitalists and for-profit entrepreneurs. Read his take on social media strategy, which he boils down very well to:

1. Social media fits inside your business strategy, and is shaped by it.
2. Social strategy fits outside your business strategy, and shapes it.

In other words, those who view social media as a new tool for doing the old kind of business are missing the point. Social is the new way of doing business, and social media is one of its tools.

Haque says more for-profit organizations are figuring this out and are getting better at delivering meaningful social experiences instead of just products and services.

I see that as an opportunity for associations and non-profits, who could be working with socially-aligned corporate partners (on their Boards, in their memberships, as project partners) to better advance their missions.

Do you?


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