Jeff DeCagna recently directed my attention to this report, which is based on something that Tammy Erickson recently posted on the Harvard Business blog. Her basic thesis is that Obama embodies all the classic traits of GenX leaders--he's pragmatic, he keeps his options open, and he embraces diversity.
I touched on these same thoughts on another recent post of mine, but there I focused more on GenX's emerging leadership style as Erickson describes it, rather than on whether or not Obama truly embodies it. So now let me weigh on on that part of the discussion.
Generally speaking, the one point I think Erickson gets the most right is the idea of GenX leaders being more about quiet, practical solutions to problems and less about adherence to strategies that support an ideological framework. And while I think Obama certainly campaigned on this theme, it’s not clear to me that he has actually governed that way. He's decided to tackle some tough problems, and he's talks about seeking practical solutions to them, but he has up to now been willing to let the legislative process come up with those solutions. What's naturally resulted from that political process is a bunch of ideological solutions--none of which "practical" Obama has rejected.
And this Xer, at least, doesn't expect him to. Erickson talks about Obama being on the cusp of the Boomers and Xers (some, in fact, say Generation Jones
Well-written piece. If you research expert opinion on this issue, you'll find that actual experts overwhelmingly view Obama as part of Generation Jones, not as anXer or Boomer.
Thanks, politico08. Do you have any recommendations for great analysis on the whole "Obama as a Joneser" issue? Try as I might, I have a hard time seeing Jones as a generation in and of itself, and not as a co-hort of people on the cusp who don't identify fully with Boomers or Xers.
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